Donors and Sponsors
Friends of Downtown Music
As of February 2025
Downtown Music thanks the people of Grace Church for the use of
their historic, acoustically superb building as a venue for our concerts.
DUO $50-$249
Cynthia D. Adams
Myrtlene, Solita & Delia Alexander
Negin Almassi in memory of Dorothy Jackson
Ben Applegate in memory of Dorothy Jackson
Robert Arthurs
Bernard & Lois Bacharach
Mary H. Baker
Ronald Barnes
William & Barbara Biles
Jack Billig
The Blackbaud Giving Fund
Jo-Ann B. & Marissa S. Boylan
David Buchwald
Victoria Carter
Mary Cattan
Shilpi Chandra & Anshu Goyal
Eric Chen
Serena Chyung
Matthew J. Coffey
Solange DeSantis
David A. Desimone
Doris L. Dingott
David Dinoffer
Dr. Paul J. Donoghue & Dr. Mary Siegel
Paul J. & Nancy J. Durante
William & Rebecca Eckfeld
Margot T. Elkin
Robert Fein
Sidney Frommer
Alex Goldfarb
Cesar Gonzales & Jane Harsha
Dr. & Mrs. Daryl Graves
Helen Greer
Stefanie Grossman
Ryan Hatten in memory of Dorothy Jackson
Ann Hauptman
J. Tracy Hayes
Stephen Heiman
Linda E. Heusser
David Hill
Kim & Errol Honig
William J. & Marjorie V. Hone
John K. Huibregtse
Judith Hutton
Millard J. Hyland, MD & Nancy E. Rice, MD
James H. Irish & Andrea E. Glanz
Don S. Jacobson
Ms. Mary Helen Jordan
Debbie Kaminer
Nathan Kaplan
Patti Kass
Eugene & Beth Kava
Rebecca Keating
John & Susan Kirkpatrick
Elzy Kolb & Russell Vines
Adam Korn
Robert & Sheila Kresch
Jeffrey J. & Lorraine S. Kroutil
Hans & Caroline Kyzivat
Mary Lane
Sheut Sim Lee
Lehrman, Lehrman & Guterman LLP
Anthony & Susan LaMagra
Milagros Lecuona
Eric & Cecelia Leiseroff
Virginia Levy
Marta Lowe in memory of Dorothy Jackson
Ernest Malecki & Michele Garzon
Alan & Eloisa S. Mandel
Elaine McKiernan
Marshall Mitchell
Barbra McCune
Maria Murphy
Clovia M. Ng
Lucia Ortiz
Michael Otten
Walter & Rita Parker
Jamie Randol
Andrea K. Ritchin
Leonard Rivlin
William P. & Patricia B. Robbins
Philip & Dorinne Rodman
J. Lee Rogers
Judith A. Ross
Kathryn Sallee
Adele Schneider
Jack D. & Janet Sexer
Jerry Shigaki
Barbara Shore
Henry & Einharda Silver
Shirley V. Spencer
Marian & Edward Steinberg
Masakazu Takahashi
Ann Toffel
Kyoko Toyama
Gus Veneris
Elizabeth Warren-Mikes
Maria Weber
Stanley & Betsy Weiner
Martha Weston & Pedro Baez-Tello
Joann Willison
Citizens Charitable Foundation
Master Card Impact Fund
United Way
Renee Cohen
Renate & Cormac Daly
Barbara Doss
Shelley Fischel
William & Wendy Foulke
Michael & Hyun Heffner
Nancy Kissinger
Hannah & John Nelson
John A. Raphael
Barbara Schwarz
Susan Smithline
Beverley & Sabin Streeter
Beth & Brian Wallach
The Westchester Community Foundation
Elizabeth & Harry White
Theda & Bill White
SOLOIST $1,000-$2,999
Ben’s Hauling, Inc.
Paul & Joy Bergins
Philip & Nina Blumenfeld
Joanna D’Addario
Dagher Engineering
Isabelle Daly
Thomas Durkin & Joan Robotham
Neal Earhart & Harriet Lowell
David Heath
Sunaganata Gadsden McAllister
Kenneth & Susan Gordon
Nicole Jackson
Jim McGuire
The Reverend Richard McKeon, Jr.
Edward Oliveri
Rotary Club of White Plains
Ruth Stern
Richard E. Stout
Catherine B. Toolin
ORCHESTRA $500-$999
Harold B. Ames & Ilze M. Petersons
Peter & Kathi Arnow
Janet D. Bailey
Barbara Cooper
Marjorie Feder
Stephen Feiman
Robert & Linda Heath
Nancy Goodman
Gary N. Horowitz & Evelyn Placek
Stephen Holden III, Esq.
Sara Humphreys
Kyoko Kageyama
Sinforosa Tan Kaung
William & Rose Kaung
Carlos & Kassie Muñoz
Ann B. Patton
Susan Porcino
Joan Rainford
Charlotte Roberson
Christine & Henry Scott-Deutsch
Kenneth & Mari Share
Sylvia & Walter Simon
Steven & Diane Solomon
Richard Thompson
Joshua & Rosemary Worby
ENSEMBLE $250-$499
Ellen Abramson
A.J. Leasing Company, Inc.
Bruce Betts
Joseph Brown
Joan Coffey
George & Sheila Drapeau
Jane Farcas & Robert Armitage
Sharon Freeman
Malcolm Gately
Nancy & Joseph Gherardi
Patricia Gougelmann
Jeanne & Joel Harris
Clayton Heydorn
Edward & In-Aie Kang
Ruth Kirschner
The Kozera Family Foundation
The Krupman Family Foundation
Stephanie Levine
Jean & Paul Lewis
Dr. Richard M. & Carole P. Lichtenthal
William McGrath
Judith Meisels
George O’Hanlon
Ralph E. Penny
Numa & Kaaren Rousseve
Ellen Sarna
Sitkin Family Foundation
Cynthia Skerritt
Karen P. Smith
Jaeyong So
Victor & Elizabeth Sousa
Norman & Susan Stanton
Stecher & Horowitz Foundation
Alana Stone
Carol Stix
Charlene S. Walter
Jane L. Washington
Haru Yamada
Deborah West Zipf