About Us
A Brief History of Downtown Music
Thirty-four years ago, Downtown Music began with a plan for a series of concerts that would delight and inspire all who live, work, or visit in downtown White Plains. The programs were to be top-flight musical offerings, presented on a regular schedule, in a way that was welcoming to all.
Today, the dream is a reality. We expect more than 4,000 people will join us for concerts in this year alone. Downtown Music has twice been voted a Best of Westchester Winner by the Editors of Westchester Magazine and has been selected as an Arts Award Winner by ArtsWestchester. We have made a substantial investment in the cultural life of our community and, with your help, have created something truly unique and successful.
We thank you for your generosity and support.
Downtown Music at Grace is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible.
Timothy Lewis
Arts in Education Program
By prior reservation, Downtown Music artists will meet with groups of young people following the concert to lead an age-appropriate discussion about the music that they performed.
The forty-five minute concerts are held on Wednesdays at 12:10pm at Grace Church, which is located at the intersection of Mamaroneck Avenue and Main Street in downtown White Plains.
For more information about this program, contact Tim Lewis.
Board of Trustees
Karen Odom, President
Cormac Daly, Treasurer
Allen Bartlett
Renee Cohen
Robert Heath
Michael Heffner
Hannah Nelson
Kenneth Reilly
Barbara Schwarz
Richard Thompson
Catherine Toolin
Brian Wallach
Nicholas Wolff
Paul Bergins, Esq., President Emeritus
Sabin Streeter, Trustee Emeritus
Norman Horowitz
Nancy Kissinger
Robert Sherman
Melvin Stecher